Quite recently, Disney came out with a
new Wizards of Waverly place movie. It was literally the highlight of my life. So far...hopefully. Anyways, it was so great! Alex became the family wizard, Max owned the Sub Shop, and Justin was the professor of WizTech! Of course, you already knew that. And, knowing Alex like I do, I figured that she would get into a lot of trouble with all that power she has. I was not disappointed. (SPOILER ALERT: the whole rest of this post has spoiler alerts about the movie) See, Alex is very irresponsible with her magic, and her parents have been getting on her case about it. I can't blame her, I mean if I had that much magic I would go crazy. But, she was fed up with them, so she decided (with a little persuasion from Dominic, the hot bad guy) to cast out all of her bad parts. Dun dun dunnnn......
Wizards Then! (aw, look at how little they are!) Photo courtesy of: www.iofer.com |
This choice was not the best, because her bad self found a way to escape and take over the world. Oops. She started capturing her family and friends in little beads on her charm bracelet, for leverage. The thing is, bad Alex was just a piece of Alex, so she didn't have as strong of power as good Alex did. Dominic and bad Alex (I'm going to call her BA from now on, and good Alex GA) came up with a machine that imprisoned mortals in beads. I guess they had a theme, or they just loved jewelry. So, GA had to come up with a way to stop BA and Dominic without losing her loved ones forever. One little snag, right before GA's plan was about to take place, the Crystals of Justice intervened. They thought GA did all the stuff BA did because, well, she kind of did. I mean, it's the same person, right? And they found her guilty, but Mason went all werewolf on the bead he was in and escaped, and then broke GA out of her holding cell. Eventually, GA defeats BA by casting off her own powers, which made BA's go away too. The Crystals of Justice came back and almost didn't give her back her powers, because she endangered the world so many times, but they did eventually. Bad move, I think, but I'm happy they did because Alex (GA and BA) is like my favorite person ever. So yeah, that's how my entire childhood came back to life in one single movie. It was only an hour movie, but the emotional-ness of it will last a lifetime. Until next week, relive your childhood and smile :)