Tonight, I am at my friend Sonja's house. In case you were curious,
here is a link to what her name means and how popular it is. Fascinating. And yes, I am writing the blog while I'm with her. I'm such a cool friend. But it's no big deal, because she is busy showing me how many tank tops she owns. It's really an exciting life. But on the bright side, when we are done with this stuff she is going to show me Duck Dynasty, which I have never seen before. I'm really excited, because I always see hilarious Duck Dynast stuff on Pinterest but I feel like I shouldn't be able to laugh at it because I've never even seen the show. But now those moral implications are gone! I will watch the show and I will be able to enjoy everything on Pinterest! Except the stuff that isn't funny. Which, unfortunately, is quite a lot. But a lot is funny, which makes it all ok. And it's not blocked at school yet. Wow, I really get off topic on these blog posts. It's pretty much like how it would be if I was talking to you in real life, except I would use a lot more sarcasm. I can't really use a lot of sarcasm on the internet, because people will just think I'm rude. When in fact, I'm being rude but it's in a funny way so it's ok.
Sonja's on the right, I'm on the left. She is so freaking photogenic! Photo courtesy of: me :) |
This is Sonja and I, because I figured I would get back on topic. Again. We play soccer together, which is pretty much why we are friends, but we are so similar that we probably would have found each other either way. We have a lot of fun throwing turf in each others mouthes when we are on a fake field, and when we are playing on real grass we just throw grass. I'm pretty sure we could make a hilarious reality show if people had the same humor as us. Which they probably don't, because we think that really weird stuff is really funny. But it doesn't matter what other people think, I know we are funny! Alright, time to go watch TV and be unproductive! Hopefully you and your friends have humor that might not make other people smile, but it makes you smile :)
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