Friday, February 8, 2013

Corny Movies Make Me Smile :)

Right now, I'm watching The Game Plan on Disney Channel. It is one of the cheesiest movies I've ever seen, which is why I love it so much. If you don't already know, I'm going to tell you what it's about. If you do know, I'm still going to tell you. Basically, this all star football quarterback, Joe King, has it made. He is living the good life, he gets all the money, all the babes, all the trophies. Until. One day, a young girl shows up at his door claiming she's his daughter. Sound corny yet? Her name is Peyton Kelly, and she makes everything very... interesting. From bedazzling Joe's football to forcing him to participate in her dance class, Joe has his hands full. Not only that, but his big playoff game is coming up soon and he is way too preoccupied with Peyton to focus on it. Poor Joe. There is no way anyone is going to know what happens next, right? Ok, well this is why it is super cheesy. It is really just a typical Disney movie where everyone knows what will happen but they still get all emotional at the end.

Photo courtesy of:

This kind of says it all, doesn't it? Quality film right here. So back to the emotional part. I don't know if this is true, but I think that I personally feel the emotion because of the music they play. They have this inspiring stuff in the background that make the whole thing a bit less socially awkward. Honestly, if half these things happened in real life or even just without the music, it would be a lot different. But I still feel myself smiling that cute little "Aww, it all worked out for everyone!" smile. In true hope that this isn't just me and other people feel this too, keep on corny smiling :)

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