Friday, January 4, 2013

Fat Booth Makes Me Smile :)

Fat Booth. An app that provides hours and hours of instant entertainment, no matter where you are. That's right, it is one of those great things that you don't even need internet for, yet will still be incredibly fantastically amazingly awesome to play every time. And for some strange reason, no matter how many weird pictures I take of myself on it, my friend Caitlin always has more. I honestly don't know how she does it, because it s my phone. But, I did almost catch up recently when I was on a plane home from New Hampshire. For a good half hour I fatted myself, just normal fatting and putting the eyes/mouth/chin things in random places on my face. Here's a nice picture of me with random lumps all over my face as a result of the latter:
Pretty attractive, huh?
If you were hoping to see a fat booth of Caitlin as well, you are out of luck. It took me so long just to get this off of my phone, and I am absolutely not doing it again. If you want, though, you can check out Caitlin's blog here. I guarantee it will make you smile. So anyways, back to fat booth. Not only is it fun and awesome because it doesn't need internet, but it also will show anyone whether or not they look good fat. Or with gross tumors all over their faces. Which is exactly what everybody wants to know about themselves, am I right? I use it to keep track of a lot of my friends and family, too. Recently I added my cousins' pictures to the mix, and they can rock facial tumors and fatness almost as well as I can. I guess that makes sense because we are related. Until next time, fat yourself (but not for real) and keep on smiling :)

1 comment:

  1. I do take MANY fatbooth pictures on your phone....
    And you linked to my blog! Yay!!! hehe :)
    And this post was awesome! (123 no fat!;)
