Friday, November 30, 2012

My Friends make Me Smile :)

I obviously can't talk about every single one of my friends, so I will most likely eventually be coming out with a part two or three on this particular topic. But for now, I want to talk about a friend who has been asking for a while to be on my blog, and that is (drumroll please...) Katherine! Here is a link to her blog, Sweet Temptations. For a while now, Katherine and I have been working on a Spanish project with our group. We are doing the tango, and what do you know-Katherine and I are doing it together. Maybe I'll show you a picture later, but I don't really have one now...but here is an awesome picture of Katherine and I just regularly (sort of):

I am on the left, she is on the right.
Ah yes, so flattering. Haha I am totally kidding, it really showcases her pointy nose and my awkward neck-chin mutation. This is definitely one of our best pictures though, I mean, just look at our faces! Can you say photogenic? 
So anyways, I'm not sure if you can see it in this picture, but Katherine has a small scar above her eye. Yeah, I gave that to her. Don't worry, it was when I was younger. I guess I had a bit of a temper as a child. Poor Katherine, hardly something to do to her after her dad saved my life. That's right, her dad saved my life and what did I do? I scratched her in the eyelid. Look out everyone, friend of the year right here! Oh yeah, back to how my life was saved. I don't really remember much of it, only what I've heard from Katherine. Apparently, I was with her and her dad when this dog jumped at me out of nowhere! It started to bite my cheek, but before any permanent damage was done, her amazing incredible life-saving father pulled us apart. Now I clearly remember this-when I went home that day I told my mom very clearly "You should have seen the other guy". Ok, I'm absolutely sure that didn't happen. But how cool would that be? 
So overall, Katherine has a pointy nose and a scarred eyelid and I have a neck-chin mutation and a boss childhood. Sort of. Maybe part of that is true, or at least I think so. Until my next post, keep on smiling! :)


  1. Abby, I love your blog. It makes me smile! Which, I guess is the point of it so you should feel successful! Your voice really shows through in your writing! Nice job :)

  2. Here because Mr. Parker showcased your blog! I like how every post is "___ Makes Me Smile." It's an interesting style. I also like the frequent :)'s.
